The goal of FEATR is to provide a tidy package of frequently used R files for Echoview processing. This package is in its initial state and will be undergoing considerable updates.
The repository for the FEATR package can be found on the NOAA-FEAT GitHub page at FEATR.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
To update the paths of all EV files in a directory (update .raw files, calibration files, etc), use repath_EVdir(SurveyName,DirNameFile, ni=1) Where SurveyName is the name of the survey referenced as a row in the excel file DirNameFile. This excel file has a list of paths or filenames in named columns, with each row being a “survey.” ni is the number of the EVfile in the directory list to start the processing at. The default is ni=1.
To set the export parameters for within an EV file, use SetBiomassExpParamsFun(Obj_ExpVar, ToExport,NoExport), where Obj_ExpVar is the Echoview object of the acoustic variable, ToExport is the list of parameters to have be exported, and NoExport is the list of parameters to not have exported. It’s handy to keep those in separate columns of an excel file