Function to take a directory of EV files and reset the path. This works for EV files that have an ek5 sub-directory too. The ek5 subdirectory must be named 'ek5 EV'. The EK5_Dir_Flag must be set appropriately in the excel file. This version saves to the directory in Post_EV_Dir Written by RT 2022, modified 2024. Requires an excel file input that says what the paths are Each row is a survey (survey_name), and each column is a path or file name
- SurveyName
name of survey as in excel file
- DirNameFile
excel file name of paths Excel file has the following columns (with header names) Cal_File: calibration file name Base_Path: Orig_EV_Dir: Raw_Dir EK5_Dir_Flag EK5_Raw_Dir
- ni
is an optional argument for which file to start with (default ni=1 is the first file).
- sheet
is an optional argument to denote which sheet of the DirNameFile
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
DirNameFile="C:/rthomas/R/Rcode/EK60_EK80 conversion/EK60_Ek80_conv_updated/Directory Structure EK60 EK80 conversion updated.xlsx"
repath_EVdir_flex(SurveyName,DirNameFile, ni, sheet)
} # }