function to export integration from variables in a set of EV files. There are two excel files for inputs (paths, parameters to export). The exports go into a directory that is automatically named by date. This directory is in the export directory listed in the DirNameFile. The EVfile is not saved in the process. This works for EV files that have an ek5 sub-directory too. The ek5 subdirectory must be named 'ek5 EV'
paramnamefile = NA,
ni = 1,
gdepth = 10,
database = 1,
datedir = 1,
- DirNameFile
excel file name of paths
- variables
- variables to export
- paramnamefile
optional excel file name of parameters to export or not export. The column ToExport is parameters to export. The column NoExport is parameters to not export
- ni
is an optional argument for which file to start with (default ni=1 is the first file). This defaults to 1 (all EV files)
- gdepth
is an optional argument for the cell depth. gdepth defaults to 10 m
- database
is an optional argument for export format. Default is database (1). Spreadsheet =0
- sheet
is an optional argument to denote which sheet of the DirNameFile want to use. This defaults to the first sheet if not set.
- datedir
Flag to state whether to create and use a separate date sub-directory when redoing exports, so originals don't get overwritten. This defaults to using a date sub-directory (datedir=1 is default; make date directory. datedir=0 does not create a sub-directory)
- SurveyName
name of survey as in excel file