helper function to read in spatial biomass at age reports from EchoPro. This version is different from Read_spat_unkriged_Reports because it allows you to read in an age-2+ estimate from an age-1+ estimation process. Will keep just the stratum name and total biomass (no at-age data)
- repcases:
a list of cases (will correspond to subfolder names) of reports to read in.
- year:
the year (used as a subfolder)
- projpathbase:
the base path that the project is in
- estimflag:
estimation method (age-2+ or age-1+ method). Age-1+ method is 4, age-2+ method is 2 (or any number other than 4)
- hakeflag:
adult hake (hakeflag=2), not filtering for hake (hakeflag=-1), age-0 hake (hakeflag=0), age-1 hake only(hakeflag=1), all hake (hakeflag=3), age-1+ (hakeflag=4). set to 1 if want age1+ numbers, set to 0 (or other number) if want age2+. Defaults to age2+